This scribble, when I do it, is my initials, that are my signature on every chair I build.  BUT it's actually great art, the work of my calligrapher friend and collaborator, Debi Zeinert of the Blooming Quill.  Click on it to see Debi's work

John W. Lindsay 

  • Chequamegon Area Mountain Bike Association
  • Tricia's Troops Cancer Connection
  • ​Door County Senior Center/Door County Foundation
  • Wisconsin Wildlife Federation
  • Wisconsin Bear Hunters
  • Wisconsin Bowhunters
  • Wisconsin Fur Trappers
  • ​Lake Area Free Clinic
  • Katie's Kloset ​
  • YMCA at Pabst Farms (Oconomowoc, WI)
  • Wisconsin Conservation Congress ... and more - if you would like more information, contact me via email or facebook messenger

GOT A PROJECT?  I frequently donate items to charity auctions, both locally and statewide - here are a few organizations who have sold my items in their charity auctions:


​​Please let me know you were here!

Feel free to take a look around, and contact me if I can help you!

​One of a kind creations in wood . . .

   Art in Wood

Wood has always intrigued me.  Starting with orange crates from the corner market, my interest and opportunities grew slowly.  A project for my girls with pine from the lumber yard and borrowed tools, picking up a used tool now and again.  It was a chance encounter with a friend that clicked all kinds of switches in my head - we attempted to make ski-waxing benches out of hard maple.  The project was less than successful, but the friend, Phil Van Valkenberg was trained as a machinist: he pointed out to me that precision machining principles could apply to wood - what has followed is a great adventure fueled by curiosity and challenges.

"Just because a tree appears dead,  has fallen over, or been damaged, doesn't mean it's life is over. I'll find something that it can become so that it can live another hundred years - maybe more"